Capturing your day with elegance and style

With 24 years experience shooting weddings, we understand the magic of a wedding ceremony. The ability to anticipate the next move, understanding the unique elements of the ceremony for different cultures and beliefs, and all the while capturing your day silently and respectfully. We love weddings, and we believe it shows.


Years Experience


Weddings / Year


Average Photos Delivered

Pick and Choose your dream wedding package. No limits, no restrictions.

We believe in a more A La Carte method of creating your dream wedding package. Every wedding starts with the same base photography commitment from us. From there, you can add whatever you like: an engagement session, a hand made Italian wedding album, a beautiful canvas for your living room, thank you cards, etc.

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Our Photographer

It takes a lot of trust to commit the memory of your special day in the hands of a photographer. Although we have a few photographers we regularly work with when we need two photographers, there is one who will always be at your wedding.

Joshua Krause - Photographer
Joshua Krause
Lead Photographer & Editor

I Weddings

Personally, weddings are my favourite thing to photograph. Full of laughter, excitement, a little nervous and a lot of love.

My name is Joshua Krause, and I’m the owner and lead photographer for Elegant Exposures Photography.

I’ve been photographing weddings since 2001, when I had my first opportunity to capture a magical day for some friends of mine. I never looked back. Some photographers are incredibly against capturing weddings, the stress involved in knowing you cannot make a mistake, you cannot miss a step, and you cannot be in the wrong place at the wrong time or you may end up missing an incredible moment.

I personally love it! Weddings are by far my favourite thing to photograph... They are magical times in your life where everyone is there to celebrate the most important part of life: Love.

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that!

PS: Fun Fact - I have a massive dog (a great dane named Monty) and 2 cats who I'm pretty sure spend their days plotting the end of my dog.

Think we might be a good fit for each other?

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Wedding Albums Hand Made in Italy

Photographs are made to be looked at. Our wedding albums are hand made with the utmost attention to detail. Italy is a country designed around luxury, from cars to wines to wedding albums. We design all our own wedding albums in our studio, but we have them made by our excellent partner in Italy, leaving you with something that will last for generations to come. Much better than flipping through photographs on your tablet.

Destination Weddings

Destination weddings can be a wonderful option for the traveler. An opportunity to visit sandy beach during the cooler winter months, a trip with your closest friends and family with one goal in mind: to celebrate your love for each other. We offer an incredible destination package for the globe trotter in you.

Fun and flirty, or romantic and serious. We learn the type of couple you are and work with you to make sure we capture your personalities in the photographs of your special day.

We typically book 12 - 18 months in advance. If you might be interested in having Elegant Exposures capture your wedding day, get in touch. No committments, no obligations, just a friendly conversation.

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